Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Energy, Real Girl Thinspo

This post is dedicated to K (who inspired me to create it.)

"How do you keep your energy up? I can go a few days averaging about 500-600 calories but I always get so tired and hungry that I ended binging for like three days. I drink coffee and tea but I was wondering if you had any other advice."

I've been there. The lack of energy usually hits me in the form of extreme lethargy. All I want to do is sleep or lie down. It makes me incredibly lazy which is a dual sided sword: on one hand it encourages me to take more naps, and I can't possibly eat while sleeping. Sleep also boosts your metabolic rate naturally and aids in digestion. On the other hand it discourages me from working out, and if I try anyway I'm not capable of much. The lack of exercise could eventually place me into dreaded "skinny fat" territory. Below is a list of different ways you can boost your energy.

Vitamins and Supplements
  • Magnesium - 300mg per day
    This is needed for over 400 different functions in the body. It's also a main component of most anti-depressants. More magnesium can make your body run like a well-oiled machine. One of its most important functions is turning glucose into energy. That prevents it from turning into stored fat instead!
  • Iron - 15mg per day
    One of the biggest signs of iron deficiency is fatigue. Having enough iron is also a natural appetite suppressant.
  • Vitamin C - 60mg per day
    If you're a smoker you need double this amount per day. Vitamin C helps you skin look healthy, your immune system stay up, and it keeps your muscles in tact. It also helps your teeth and your gums. Having enough vitamin C keeps your body running smoothly and gives you more energy.
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing
    Make sure that you are wearing loose fitting clothes and that your posture is straight. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Do this several times as needed. It should have the same affect on your body that a yawn does: it gives your muscles an extra boost of oxygen to wake them up.
  • Walking
    Walking at a slow to moderate pace can help to "wake up" your muscles and get your blood pumping. You don't need to run or walk briskly since that will leave you feeling more tired. Just have a comfortably paced stroll for a few minutes.
Natural and Homeopathic Remedies
  • Sleep
    At least eight hours of sleep per night is essential to feeling energized throughout the rest of the day. Your body needs time to recharge.
  • Less Coffee, Less Alcohol, More Tea
    Although coffee will give you a quick rush of energy, overall it increases the production of stress related hormones. It also causes you to ''burn out'' due to the inconsistent levels of caffeine that your body absorbs. If you crave the flavor of coffee try some alternatives. If you need the caffeine (a natural diuretic - it'll make you pee) stick to tea. Alcohol is a downer and can help you fall asleep, but the chemicals inside of it interfere with your deep sleep (REM) cycles. This is part of what creates a hangover.
  • Drink Water
    It flushes out toxins, gets rid of sodium, and has zero calories. You can enjoy it hot, cold, iced, frozen, carbonated or flavored. The benefits of this beautiful neutral liquid are endless. Not having enough water can make your body feel tired and sluggish because it makes all of your basic functions harder to do. Dehydration doesn't secretly equal burning more calories - it means that everything is slowing down because it's difficult to do.
  • Vent
    Find an outlet for all the anger and frustration that you have. People spend an amazing amount of energy keeping all of their negativity confined. Try writing a journal, starting a blog, clipping some thinspo pictures, doing some exercise, or talking to a friend. Everyone has their own methods for coping.
Avoiding foods that are high in sugar is always a good idea. Not only are they full of calories and fat, but they can lead to low blood sugar later in the day. Stick to dark, leafy green vegetables and fruits that are high in citrus. These are naturally lower in calories and higher in helpful vitamins and nutrients.

Enjoy some real girl thinspo!

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