Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I finished almost all of my pages! The only section that needs to be done is "thinspiration." I'm at a loss. I normally post pictures as part of my journal entries. :/

I've been super anxious for the past week. I'm not a professional by any means but I have my second photo shoot on October 22nd. I've only modeled once before for Gothic Beauty. This time it's going to be for various photographers representing a variety of things. (I'm new to this so I'm not sure if that type of event has a special term.) People from Hot Topic, Title Unknown, and Demonia footwear will be there.

It's an "accessory" photo shoot where we'll be modeling things like jewelry, boots, and certain articles of clothing. Nothing is going to be a full body shot from what I understand. That's a relief because I have no idea how to actually model... but I can screw around with my hand or a foot and make it look all right I guess.

I'm going back to my silver hair before the shoot because when they asked me if I wanted the job that was my hair color. I really don't think hair color matters but better safe than sorry. The recruitment process was really funny (ah, Hollywood:)

Man: Excuse me?
Me: Yes?
Man: Are you comfortable with the fact that you're very androgynous?
Me: Sure. It's a compliment.
Man: Are you free for a weekend in October? *gives business card* E-mail me.
Me: Okay.

That was it. It's similar to how my first session happened. They're always one shot one day things that pay me a couple hundred bucks. Why not? Money to fund my Halloween costume. (I'm going to be George Washington. My friends are going to be Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and so on. Isn't that gangster? ...yeah, we're lame and want excuses to wear colonial outfits.)

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